The hare psychopathy checklist revised
The hare psychopathy checklist revised

The worst of it is that eventually, they do something so bad that society is forced via the law to take action against them, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of public funds are then spent on prosecuting them and removing them from society (all too often for a relatively short period of time), when what should have been spent was a relatively inexpensive firm hand at the time when those people's behavior could well have been modified to an acceptable standard with just a 'good thick ear'. By that time, the only standard that they choose to abide by is their own, and that has little to nothing to do with society's mores. They only behave like that because they have been allowed to get away with it in their formative years, and once they approach adulthood, the pattern is beginning to set somewhat like concrete.


I'm not saying that those who throw litter out of car windows are sociopaths or psychopaths per se, but the picture is reasonably clear. Indeed, many of their peers seem to almost encourage them to misbehave, and as a result those 'beings' consider that they can do as they please when they please without fear of any consequences. Correction of bad behavior has been ameliorated to the point that miscreants (particularly youthful ones) no longer see or feel the reasons to modify their behavior in order to obtain the approval of their peers. We have gone from executing murderers to almost forgiving them this is indicative of what happens when the pendulum is swung back too far. I think that there are a lot more of them in our society today than there were in the past, and I think that society may well carry an increasing responsibility for this. And I do not agree with the observation that they are rare. Whether you lump Sociopathy and Psychopathy together, or call them separate personality abnormalities, they appear to me to be much of the same 'genus'. They lack conscience, but some of them do tend to feel weepy if their penchants for cruelty are questioned. There are more Hilarys and George W Bushes and bad sheriffs and bad judges who do bad things and enjoy it. Andrew Jackson was a little more upfront without the floweriness. Thomas Jefferson had more class with the Native North American Indians. She leaves and sends in the Minister of War. She gets the grand red carpet treatment and has lots of photographs taken. She goes to Myanmar to pave the way for better human rights in Burma – one of the worst human rights violators on Earth. Hilary's justification is "We will teach them that we don't do that here." Yep, that sounds like a sociopath to me. She talks about human rights and bettering humankind in places like the Philippines and her program to better the life of young ladies who are brought from the Philippines to the USA to perform sexual acts is to punish the young ladies. I'd say that Hilary Clinton is a sociopath (or a psychopath), one or another. Obviously, they lack empathy, feel no remorse, and are just looking for rationalizations to hurt people. The USA's politicians argue whether or not torture is an effective and justified means of conducting international affairs. Some of them are the folks who execute those few murderers and the kinds of things that one poster mentioned. July 13, I agree that there are more people today that lack empathy for others and do cruel things for fun and seem to lack a conscience.

The hare psychopathy checklist revised